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Frequently Asked Questions




Are scholarships renewable?


The majority of our scholarships are renewable to eligible candidates up to four or five years depending on area of study. Scholars must maintain full-time), a minimum 2.5 GPA and must be in good standing as an HSC Scholar  (5 hours of community service per semester, attended required events, etc).




Can I still apply after the deadline?


No, dates are set to accommodate review time and final selections. Late applications and supporting materials will not be reviewed.




Do I have to be Hispanic/Latino to apply?


Yes, you must be of Hispanic origin or descent. Students of mixed heritages (Hispanic and another heritage) may apply.




Do I have to be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident to apply for a scholarship?


No, HSC accepts applications from all Texas residents regardless of US citizenship.




Do I have to submit financial documentation?


Yes, all candidates must submit financial documentation. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete packet that will not be reviewed. You must submit a copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) you received after completing the Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA). If you qualify for financial aid under SB 1528/HB 1403, then you must submit a copy of the FAFSA or TASFA based on your institution. Applications without a copy of their SAR or TASFA will not be reviewed.




Does HSC provide scholarships for K-12?


No, all of our scholarships are strictly for higher education. Applicants, at minimum, must graduate from high school and are planning on or are currently attending an accredited two or four-year college or university of higher learning.




My high school does not calculate class rank. How do answer the question about my class rank?

If your school does not track class rank, please put a zero as your rank. Our reviewers have been instructed that a zero indicates that your school does not track rank.



Does HSC provide scholarships for trade schools?


No, all of our scholarships are strictly for degree programs. Applicants must be high school graduates planning on

earning an accredited two or four-year degree.




How are students selected?


Successful candidates are selected on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, community service, personal strengths, and leadership. First-generation college students and students from low-income households are strongly encouraged to apply.



How much can I expect to receive if I am awarded a scholarship?


Scholarships range from $1,000 – $5,000 per academic year. Average scholarships are $2,000.




I’m only enrolled part-time. Am I eligible?


Yes, all students must enroll and complete the fall and spring academic semesters as either part-time or full-time students (6 hours per semester or more). Failure to do so will negate your scholarship.




Is there a fee to apply for a scholarship?


No, there are not any fees associated with the application process.




Is there a minimum Grade Point Average to Apply?


Yes, applicants must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale when applying for HSC scholarships. For high school students where GPA is not calculated on a 4.0 scale, please contact your high school counselor and request your GPA be converted to a 4.0 scale.  Please note that some scholarships have higher GPA requirements.




My mailing address and contact info may change, what should I do?


You can send an email to stating your name and new mailing address and contact info.




What does this scholarship pay for?


Scholarship funds may be applied to any educational expenses such as books, fees, tuition, room and board, transportation fees to and from school, or any other academic-related expenses.



When will I be notified that I will receive an award?


Successful candidates will receive written notice via e-mail by the end of August.




When will I get my award for the fall/spring semesters?


Stipends will be distributed in two equal payments for the fall and spring terms. In the fall you must submit your official full-time enrollment verification and class schedule verifying full-time enrollment. For the spring term, you must submit an official copy of full-time enrollment, a copy of your class schedule, an unofficial transcript, and tuition bill. There is also a service requirement of at least 5 hours of community service per semester. Students will have a sponsor sign a document confirming his/her service. Upon receipt of the required documents, HSC will process your award and will mail it directly to the address you provided. Please allow up to two weeks for processing. Failure to submit required documents will result in the forfeiture of your award. 




Where does the funding for the HSC scholarships come from?


Funding sources for scholarships include contributions by individual benefactors, corporations, and foundations.




Where should I mail my supplemental information?


HSC is no longer accepting supplemental information by mail. Every required document must be uploaded to your application.

Who can fill out my recommender form?

An instructor, coach, advisor, mentor and/or employer must complete this form. A relative may not complete it. Be sure to alert your recommender that s/he must complete this form online and s/he will receive an email with instructions about the online form. Allow your recommender at least two weeks to complete the form. Your recommender will not be notified about the recommendation until your application is complete.  Please verify that you have the correct email address for your recommender before submitting the reference request.


Who reviews my application?

A pre-screening committee will initially review your application. The Hispanic Scholarship Consortium is a collaboration of member organizations and individual benefactors. Therefore, your application may be reviewed by more than 130 different organizations and individuals from all over the United States. 

Will I be notified if I don’t receive an award?

Yes. You will receive e-mail notification by the end of August.

What if I still have questions after reading the FAQs?


Please e-mail































































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