Anthony became an HSC scholar in the Fall of 2014. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration in Accounting in 2016 from Texas A&M University. While pursuing this degree, he hoped to gain skills for the world of business, and studying Accounting luckily helped him accomplish exactly that. Wanting to add some of his personal interest to the degree, he minored in Financial Planning, which helped him enjoy his studies more.
Since graduating from Texas A&M University, Anthony joined Teach For America in Dallas. Launched in 1990, Teach for America is "a diverse network of leaders working to confront educational inequity through teaching . . . " with the goal that "one day all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education." At Teach For America, Anthony teaches elementary math and science as a bilingual teacher.
When looking back at his experience as an HSC scholar, Anthony states:
"HSC provided me with professional development through its events and mentor relationships. They helped guide my growth during my college years."
Anthony's scholarship was sponsored by the Young Hispanic Professionals Association of Austin (YHPAA), whose mission is "to provide leadership and professional development opportunities for young Latino professionals to empower and connect with the Greater Austin community".
Anthony's biggest advice for success is to take advantage of the time you have in college to explore who you are, what it is that you are really passionate about, as well as learning how to connect those things with a career, major, or vocation. In addition, he thinks students should seek high impact learning experiences while in school, such as internships, study abroad experiences, and community groups.
We are excited to see what Anthony continues to accomplish!